Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama: We do not give up. We do not quit.

At his state of the union address:  Obama said.

We do not give up -- we do not quit
These are words of the President.  Is it true.......................or false?

We do not give up -- we do not quit   Maybe that's because they do not do anything.  Anything of substance.

One thing Obama needs to see, is that America is sick of the words.  We have had enough of his words. We are looking for results. That four letter word.......JOBS!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama going to help the middle class

Well,  he is spending again.

Obama says the middle class has been under assault. Now in an array of tax credits, for college loans, child credits and other.  There is no use outlining all his nonsense,  You decide for yourself.

These initiatives will not help much, will cost a lot.  But that is what Obama does best.  Spends a lot.  Little or nothing in return.  That is a great system he has devised.

Almost everyday Obama finds new and creative ways to spend taxpayers money. 


 More on the topic at link below:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown beats Martha Coakley in special Senate Race.

Scott Brown Campaigns Day Before US Senate Special Election

Congratulations to Scott Brown, all his family, and supporters. 

Scott Brown was victorious in his run for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in Massachusetts and beat Martha Coakley.  

 Best Wishes and Good Luck. 

Sunday, January 17, 2010

UAW and Unions need to stop the crying and grow up


Its not my life time goal to bash unions.  You are hanging on by a thread and you know it. You use every scheme possible, every bit of political shenanigans possible, to get what you want - and to hell with everyone else.

Every benefit you get has a cost. That cost is passed on to the consumer. You get the benefit. The rest of us gets screwed. Because we have to pay for that cost.

Yes I will agree that unions had a place in manufacturing many years ago. I was a union member too, steel worker.  Long time ago.

Yes I will admit unions have helped many people, helped the conditions in the work place.

But in many cases, they hurt many industries, and helped closed many plants.  Pittsburgh once had a lot of steel plants.

Bethlehem Steel, PA was a major steel producer.  Now the old steel mill is a new casino.

Several years ago, when the UAW were negotiating, and finally settled, here is some of  what Ford "gave the membership."
Members with enough time working for Ford were given $2000 a years for college expenses for their kids - very noble.  They were given  money to purchase computers and internet service. Nice benefit. There were other goodies above and beyond what all the UAW settled for.

Ford Motor Company was so proud that they were able to give their employees such benefits.  But this is untrue, it was not Ford or the union that gave these benefits - it was the guy who bought the cars who provided these benefits. No car sales - no benefits.  Remember 2007 and 2008 when the auto companies were broke, bankrupt, and busted.

GM build car plants in China.  More cars  are made there than here.  Does that tell you anything?  Unions that push too hard, will push the  the company to close the doors in America and go overseas.

Certain workers can benefit from labor unions. But everyone cannot be in a union. Its impossible.  So the situation is one sided.  The current members are the only ones that benefit. Its not balanced.

Car prices rise almost every year. Some of that cost can be associated with management greed and union demands.  Instead of the unions and management working together to keep cost low, they continue a vicious cycle of greed and outlandish union demands.

This cycle never gets broken. So it is destine to fail. And fail it did.  The government and taxpayer had to bail out GM and Chrysler. The great companies the the UAW works for.

Lately, unions have cried, and won unfair concessions against the health care provisions involving " Cadillac health care plans."  The tax that was to be placed on these plans will not apply to certain labor unions. This is unfair to everyone else.

I think it is ironic that these plans are referred to as "Cadillac Plans".  Is it because Cadillac cars were so very expensive, and special, that only the rich could but them?  They were not affordable for everyone. Just like these health care plans they reference, they are only for the rich, the elite, the privileged,  the Congress. And now Unions.

This is an outrage.

I am as mad as hell - because every benefit a union member gets, I pay for some of that benefit if I buy your product.  So do not thank Ford, GM or Chrysler for what you have, thank the guy who bought the car you make.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Obama Government: You will pay more and get less

This government does not know who to hit on next.  Almost everything they do will cost you more in the end.
Almost everyday someone, or some group will get more than the rest.  This not suppose to happen in our country with our Constitution and laws.  But Obama and his cronies do not pay attention to the Constitution.  And to think Obama use to to teach the Constitution.  I find that hard to believe.  This is the kind of crap that goes on in 

They have created the most corrupt legislation - Health care reform, in our history.  Harry Reid has bribed people for their votes. And they are proud of that.  I am not proud at what they are trying to do.  It is a sham and will only completely help a few. And the masses will have to pay for those few- pay for about 30 million people and the unions. 

How good is the health care bill?  When you have to bribe, steal from one group so another group will benefit. This is an outrage.  This is not America. 

Now Obama wants to tax banks.  This is being  proposed in order to recoup some of  the money the government gave out in the TARP program.  It only applies to certain banks, with $50 billion in assets.

He wants to punish banks and reward unions.  A tax will be imposed for those with "Cadillac health plans". But will not have to be paid by unions until 2018. Isn't that nice. 

But the banks will just raise fees and rates and the customer (taxpayer) will as usual get stuck with the bill.

The government thinks we are stupid.  The government knows whats best for us.I know what is best for the government - get out of banking.

Obama and his lousy white house needs to focus on jobs and job creation, but because of their drunken spending, they think their only choice is to raise taxes, either directly of through the back door. Liberals will never learn.

They spend, spend. and spend more.  Then they have to try to get the money back- so they tax the rich and the middle class.

I do see how anyone can be satisfied with Obama, his White House, the Senate or the House.  Everything they touch, they screw up.  They have all, in one form or another, made things worst.

Obama says he has inherited a mess, maybe he has.  But he and his administration have added to that mess - and have made it worst.

They all make the laws.  But only if they are in office. This is what we must remember and change.  

We have the votes they need.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Harry Reid is incompetent

President Obama Visits Democratic Caucus Meeting On Capitol Hill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

Main Entry: in·com·pe·tent

Pronunciation: \(ˌ)in-ˈkäm-pə-tənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French incompétent, from in- + compétent competent
Date: 1595

1 : not legally qualified
2 : inadequate to or unsuitable for a particular purpose
3 a : lacking the qualities needed for effective action b : unable to function properly

A new book about the campaign, "Game Change," by Time magazine reporter Mark Halperin and New York magazine writer John Heileman, said Reid, in private conservations, described Obama as "light-skinned" and with "no Negro dialect."
"I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words. I sincerely apologize for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans for my improper comments," Reid said in a statement.

What were you thinking of, Harry?   "You deeply regret................. "    Way to go Harry.

I deeply regret you are the Senate Majority Leader.  

How do people like you get elected and become Senate Majority Leader?

You should leave Washington, D.C.  Resign like Chris Dodd did.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chris Dodd announces he will not run for re-election in Connecticut

Senate Holds Procedural Vote On Health Care Reform Bill

Sen Dodd is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Chris Dodd has announced today from his home in East Haddam, Connecticut, that he will retire.

I was hoping he would run for office and get beat - but this is better. The good news is that he is a Democrat, and now he will be gone.  I hope he will be replaced by a conservative. 

I am so happy he will not serve in the Senate any longer. Its not my birthday but, I say happy birthday to me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Danish newspaper says Obama is better than Jesus

A Danish newspaper has reported that Obama is better than Jesus.


Obama is like the picture above - just an illusion.
He portrays the image of a great, honest man. He is just an inexperience political actor.

 BO is not like Jesus.  He is more like his ex mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

The Danes say Obama is better than Jesus.

I say Obama is better than  Lucifer or Satan.

Any similarity is purely coincidental .